WHAT IS CROWDSOURCING? The word “ Crowdsource” was apparently firstcoined by Jeff Howe in a June 2006 in an article for Wired magazine, it is very much associated with “Web 2.0” ways of doing business where the internet moved from being a very large notice board to users generating much of the content. In essence “Crowdsourcing” means applying the thought of a large number of people to solve a problem or inform an issue. A good starting point for anybody wanting to see what is out there in terms of crowdsourcing". CROWDSOURCING IN RELATION TO RECRUITMENT? Actually we would argue that in relation to recruitment crowdsourcing isn’t new! For many years executive search firms have at the start of each new assignment set their researchers the task of speaking to lots of industry insiders to get their views and steers on who they might subsequently approach as candidates – i.e. consulting “the crowd”. But of course that wasn’t really crowdsourcing as we view it in 2009 because...
This is about the recruitment experience sharing to all budding recruiters which make them more liking to the profession with loads of passion and energy