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Showing posts from November 13, 2010

How fastness are we in getting profiles through Social Media Network ?

Using social network is becoming a buzz work to all recruiters at any point of discussion either on having coffee or at the meeting desk,how many resources are we able to get through Linkedin,Twitter ,Facebook etc.           Their was a time when i was working on challenging role,it was skill which is not on portals,and it really took time ,i used to be approached  my colleagues,boss anytime of the day on this subject believing in me i do great stuff on this skill,even i believed the same ...i had a word saying "Still my search on " which was hard pressing for me to say that because i used to get profiles through linkedin  on most skills and this time was making me really hard on meand i have look myself why it is not working on me ,bit of luck needed to get these profiles, On my searched and research i found through Linkedin that i was able to understand about other global locations on these resources,earlier i was focusing on one lo...